Debbie Moore
“The Floppy Flower” was Debbie Moore’s first prize-winning painting at the early age of 6, solidifying her love of all things creative. Using many colors for her flower, she made it as colorful and bright as possible. That trend of color use has stayed with Debbie through the years. Color makes her feel alive and joyful. As a nod to her wondrous childhood and first love of art, she will often insert an inconspicuous floppy flower within some abstract works to memorialize the wonder of exploration and remind her to stay true to herself and that all things are possible. Debbie was always fascinated with color, texture and trying new things. As a child, she would spend hours in her garage using a “Super Elastic Bubble Plastic Maker”, blowing liquid plastic through a straw to make beautiful creations of color that would meld together in all sorts of varying patterns. As if that weren’t enough, she could then shape the bubbles into objects of her imagination. The toy of all toys for the creative kid! Even with its toxic smell, it was like heaven every time she made a new masterpiece. Learn More